Sponsored Research Collaborations
Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures’ Corporate Partnerships team is the University’s front door for corporate partners seeking academic collaboration. We specialize in facilitating industry collaborations and managing research alliances that translate the novel work of Johns Hopkins researchers into real-world applications. View a sampling of Johns Hopkins researchers profiles and research proposals or a sampling of our technologies. Scan the QR code to save this page.
Visit our Corporate Partnerships webpage or contact Paul Nkansah, Sr. Director, Corporate Partnerships, to learn more about sponsoring research at Johns Hopkins University.
Faculty Spotlights
Cardiovascular Diseases
Faculty Spotlights
Drug Development
faculty spotlights
faculty spotlights
Metabolic Diseases
faculty spotlights
Neurodegenerative/Ageing Diseases
Research Spotlights
The following are a sampling of research programs available for industry collaborations.
collaboration contact
Questions about Johns Hopkins partnerships? Connect with Paul!