FastForward members benefit from a wide range of support services provided by JHTV Sponsors and ecosystem partners, including legal, tax, accounting, HR, payroll, grant writing, investor relations, and IT infrastructure support.


To ensure an effective and productive session, individuals are asked to prepare in advance and let your service provider know the topics you want to discuss prior to your meeting.

Accounting and Tax Resources

FastForward members can request 30-minute consultation services on business accounting, tax, and audit practices from local firms. Register by clicking the link below.

Microsoft Resources

Microsoft for Startups is a customized set of offerings that grow with your company from idea to exit. Members can get access to tools including Azure, GitHub and Microsoft Teams as well as sessions with Microsoft to discuss cloud computing resources, technical support, and more. FastForward members can register for 30-minute office hours meetings with Microsoft to learn how to access the software, tools, and IT support available to run their business through Microsoft for Startups. Complete the pre-appointment questionnaire below.

Financial Services

FastForward members can request 30-minute virtual sessions to meet with Fulton Bank's Financial Corporation’s Life Sciences and Technology Division or the JP Morgan Life Sciences team to discuss banking solutions for life sciences and technology startups. Register by clicking the link below.

Legal Support

FastForward members can request 30-minute consultation sessions with local law firms to discuss any of their legal questions or concerns. Potential opportunities also exist for pro bono assistance with startup incorporation. Register by clicking the link below.

Non-Dilutive Funding

FastForward provides educational resources, advice on non-dilutive funding sources available, and connections to external grant writing support.

Bloomberg Terminal

Connects decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas. Located at FastForward 1812, this service is generously donated by the Bloomberg Philanthropies and allows FastForward members to monitor and analyze real-time market data. Sign up by emailing Julie Simon.

TEDCO Market Search Database Terminal

Supplied and supported by TEDCO, the terminal in FastForward 1812 provides entrepreneurs access to market intelligence for the life sciences sector, analyses of customer needs, insights into emerging technologies and more. This feature is available to all entrepreneurs, regardless of their affiliation with FastForward. Email Julie to sign up.

Commercial Real Estate

Through FastForward, members are offered pro-bono consulting services for real estate needs, including but not limited to strategic planning, budgeting, site selection and lease or purchase negotiation in addition to the coordination of advisors and vendors for space design, construction services and move-in. Contact JHTV for more information.

Equipment Financing and Capital Preservation

CSC Leasing Company provides equipment leasing services for startup, emerging-growth and enterprise level companies. They can help companies obtain the equipment they need to achieve their business goals at the lowest possible cost, which allows entrepreneurs to conserve equity capital and bank facilities for mission critical growth and operating initiatives.

Want to learn more?

If you have questions about any of our support services, please feel free to contact us for further information.

Melissa Stundick

Associate Director, Entrepreneurship