Translational funding enables researchers to set early-stage innovations and discoveries on a path to commercialization.

This funding can be used to de-risk a technology and increase its value in the eyes of commercial partners. Translational funding does not require and thereby, dilute equity ownership, although it may have participation rights or payback component.

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Read our Translational Funding Guide

Johns Hopkins University Grant Programs

Two philanthropic grant programs exist specifically for Johns Hopkins innovators who are developing technology for commercial application. Each year, $1 million in grants of up to $100,000 are disbursed across a number of funding cycles. Recipients have access to additional support in the form of mentorship and networks. Note that each technology (as defined by JHTV case number) can receive only one JHTV translational funding award per fiscal year.

President's Innovation Award

The new Johns Hopkins University President's Innovation Award is awarded to one innovative early-to-mid career faculty member each year who is focused on solving problems in society and translating research beyond academia. The awards will help these recipients to launch their promising careers during the crucial years when support for their research may be elusive, and to allow them the freedom to invest in those activities most likely to advance their innovations toward the marketplace.

Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) Funding

The state of Maryland, through its Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO), also provides a host of funding opportunities in support of innovation and technology advancement, including its Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) funding. Some funding helps to advance ideas whereas other funding is available to startup companies.

Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF)

Through TEDCO, the state of Maryland also provides funding opportunities to promote state-funded stem cell research and cures including Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF). They offer seven programs to accelerate discovery and commercialization of human stem cell-based technologies.

Bluefield Innovations

Deerfield Management and The Johns Hopkins University developed Bluefield Innovations as a collaboration designed to catalyze the development of early stage therapeutics.

Sponsored Research

Researchers may want to consider a sponsored research agreement with a corporate partner to advance research in a targeted, translational fashion. JHTV helps to source, establish and manage these partnerships with industry, allowing investigators to focus on the science.

The Full List: Common Translational Funding Sources

Name Type Link
Accelerated Translational Incubator Pilot Program (ATIP) JHU
Bluefield Innovations Other
Cohen Translational Engineering Fund JHU
Johns Hopkins Discovery Awards JHU
Louis B. Thalheimer Fund for Translational Research JHU
Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) - Technology Assessment State of Maryland
Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund State of Maryland