In April 2024, we lost a beloved colleague, Mark Komisky. Over the previous 18-months, Mark faced health challenges with remarkable courage and hoped to eventually return to work. He was a dedicated member of JHTV, and his contributions will be deeply missed, along with his generosity, expertise, and sense of humor.

The Baltimore innovation ecosystem mourns along with JHTV, as Mark was a dynamic force who left an indelible mark everywhere he worked. Combining his legal, business, and technology expertise, Mark carved out a unique professional life. His boundless energy, innovative thinking, and entrepreneurial spirit inspired countless companies and individuals throughout his career. Many have shared that they owe their startup’s existence to Mark and his exceptional guidance.

While at JHTV, Mark was the Director of Technology Development where he applied his expertise and connections to develop a “rapid feedback loop” between promising technologies developed at Johns Hopkins and outside inventors, customers and entrepreneurs to more quickly determine viability and potential commercial success.

Mark was devoted husband and father, the family he created with his wife, Kim, and son, Nick, was a loving, intellectually curious, and adventurous partnership that brought him immeasurable joy.

Quotes from friends and colleagues:

  • Mark was very intellectually honest and, despite his past success and credentials, was always ready to hear others’ ideas.
  • Mark always transformed the challenges into something positive, a way forward. I respected it then – more accurately, I needed a dose of his ‘no-whining’ attitude – and have tried to model his behavior since.
  • I’m constantly meeting people now that worked with Mark, loved him, and credit him for significant contributions to their own careers and successes. He’s the guy that knew how to make people around him better while getting things done!
  • We remember Mark for his generosity, his smiling face, and his positive approach. I looked forward to every meeting with Mark because he always had something to give.
  • Mark will be remembered by his colleagues at JHTV as a caring entrepreneur, a father so very proud of his son, and a champion for those doing good in the world.
  • The first time I met him I immediately understood that Mark was talented and knowledgeable but, more importantly, also that he was simply “good people.”
  • Mark was a great mentor who always treated me with respect and though he was my director, he always made me feel like an equal.
  • The first time I met Mark I was struck by his genuine, dare I say boisterous, enthusiasm for his work.
  • Mark always gave just the right amount of parenting advice, was always so thoughtful, and gave the best gifts!
  • Over 20 years ago when tech entrepreneurs focused on the DC area, Mark stayed true to Baltimore. He built his first venture-backed company here, helping to set the stage for the tech ecosystem it is today.
  • Mark’s mentorship for the years long before either of us were at Johns Hopkins, was like a light hand on my back, guiding me gently in all the right directions.
  • We remember a phrase that Mark used in conversations with us that stuck with us, I am in violent agreement with you on this!
  • In the short time we have on this plane, Mark made the most of his by being extremely generous, altruistic, and fun.
  • We never know the impact that any one of us has on a colleague. I do, thanks to Mark Komisky.

Mark Komisky’s legacy continues to inspire and his contributions to JHTV and the Baltimore entrepreneurial community remain a testament to his passion for innovation and life.