“JHTV’s Commercialization Academy has broadened my horizons and enabled me to gain a deeper understanding of how great institutions like Johns Hopkins get fundamental research out of the lab and into the world so that it can enact positive change. I was especially inspired by the passion that my cohort has for the promise of their research and the dedication they have for translating research into the real world. As an engineer, I was mostly focused on climate technology and the physical sciences. I never thought that I would be this engaged in biotechnology research and commercialization but being a fellow provided me with a fuller appreciation for the great work that is done in that field. My engagement in such an unfamiliar space has allowed me to grow intellectually and professionally. Working in the Commercialization Academy, you’re going to have a lot of fun while learning a ton. if you are passionate about understanding how to get discoveries in the lab to change the world for the better, I cannot recommend the experience enough.”

-William Rong, (’24, Engineering Management)

“The Commercialization Academy fellowship through JHTV has been the ideal capstone for my graduate training program in translational research. I’ve been able to leverage my skills as a researcher while gaining valuable insights into how to approach intellectual property protection, marketing analyses, and technology valuations. I would recommend the fellowship to any graduate student who is interested in the business of science, patent law, or just wants to make the largest impact possible with their translational research.”

-Jess Miciak, Strategy and Decision Support at Blackbird Laboratories

“The Commercialization Academy fellowship exposed me to patent law and commercialization strategy. As a student and researcher focused on clinical translation, the fellowship provided valuable insights on how to drive technologies from conception to optimization to commercialization. I would highly recommend the fellowship to any students who are passionate about translationally focused research, commercialization, patent law, or technology development in their future careers.”

-Anthony Han, (’24, Biomedical Engineering)

“The Commercialization Academy Fellowship has been an incredible learning opportunity! As a student-founder and researcher, this experience has provided me with valuable exposure to licensing and business development, and I’ve developed critical skills for a future career at this intersection of business and scientific innovation. I’d highly recommend this program to any student who wants to explore the path from research to commercialization in their future career.”

-Nandita Balaj, Co-founder and COO of InfernoGuard

“The Commercialization Academy Fellowship has taught me so much about technology management and business development. As a startup founder, this fellowship has provided me with many translational skills which are applicable to almost everything I do. I’d highly recommend the fellowship to other undergraduates interested in entrepreneurship, commercialization, and industry!”

-Selena Shirkin, Founder of StetPulse LLC and Fetal Therapy Technologies