The following was written by Jessica Mo, Pava Center Venture Insights Intern
On September 10, the Pava Center hosted the Maryland Energy Innovation Accelerator (MEIA)’s Climate Tech Celebration. MEIA, a program of the Maryland Clean Energy Center, facilitates the growth of clean energy ventures in Maryland.
The Climate Tech Celebration recognized MEIA’s five-year milestone as well as the first 50 startups to participate in MEIA’s programs. At the event, MEIA announced the launch of the Climate Technology Founders Fund, a state-funded initiative with an emphasis on minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses. Among the guest speakers was Delegate Lily Qi (pictured), a clean energy advocate within Maryland’s state legislature.
“Since founding MEIA, we’ve focused on helping Maryland meet its climate and energy goals,” Emily Sheppard, Team Coordinator at MEIA, said. Per Sheppard, MEIA’s work emphasizes creating meaningful connections within the state between startups and organizations like Johns Hopkins.
Mark Wo, a WSE undergraduate alum and Pava Center program alum, is the CEO of JJ Innovative Materials, a venture that develops environmentally friendly construction materials. JJ Innovative Materials was one of the first 50 startups to participate in MEIA programs. According to Wo, the networking, seminars, and pitch competitions that MEIA has facilitated have been instrumental in the company’s development. “MEIA was very helpful in connecting us with people around the city, the state, and across the country, giving us perspective,” Wo said. “Without MEIA, we would not even have come close to as far as we have.” Being recognized at the Climate Tech Celebration felt “like a diploma,” Wo said.
Sheppard said she is looking forward to more collaborations with the Pava Center. “Supporting other players in the ecosystem at the Pava Center is where we formed many of our valuable connections,” she said.