The Johns Hopkins University President’s Innovation Award is awarded to one innovative early-to-mid career faculty member each year who is focused on solving problems in society and translating research beyond academia. The $250,000 award will help these recipients to launch their promising careers during the crucial years when support for their research may be elusive, and to allow them the freedom to invest in those activities most likely to advance their innovations toward the marketplace.

These awards build on the continuum of commercialization support provided by Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures, which includes access to translational funding (non-dilutive grants) made possible via philanthropic gifts and State of Maryland funding. Unlike other grant programs managed by JHTV, this award does not require a particular business idea or technology development proposal. The award is an investment in an investigator’s career and translational goals more broadly.

Award Nomination Process & Procedures

Eligibility to Nominate:
Any full-time faculty member.

Eligibility to be Nominated:
A full-time tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty member in any division who has demonstrated a commitment to the translation of science into real-world products or services, and for whom the award will significantly expand their ability to commercialize their scientific discoveries. The ideal candidate will be an early or mid-career faculty member and therefore faculty at the Assistant or Associate Professor stage will be more competitive.

Award Timeline:

  • Nominations for 2025 are now closed
  • Finalists Notified: February 28, 2015
  • Award Winner Announced: March 2025

Required Information

  1. Nominator’s contact information
  2. Nominee’s contact information
  3. Nominee’s CV (to be uploaded in PDF format)
  4. Letter of Nomination (to be uploaded in PDF format), no longer than three pages clarifying how the nominee has demonstrated a commitment to translation and how the award will significantly contribute to academic commercialization. More specifically, the letter should address the unmet needs that the nominee is tackling, and how they are approaching scholarship with an eye toward application of their discoveries.
  5. A one-page summary describing their current research efforts and how they might utilize the award of $250,000 (used for research sabbaticals, lab support, hiring of assistants, travel, publication of findings, etc.)
  6. A sample work product (e.g. journal article, commercialization plan, translational funding application) that provides additional evidence of the transformative nature of their work

Selection Committee:
The selection committee will be composed of JHU leadership, distinguished Johns Hopkins faculty, and industry representatives.

Selection Process:
There will be a two-tier review process. The first tier will identify candidates from the initial nomination submissions to advance to the second tier. Finalists will then be asked to submit a letter of support from a Dean or Department Chair. Finalist packages will be forwarded to the president and the provost for final selection.

Please note that this award is NOT intended to serve as a lifetime achievement award, but rather an investment in future potential.

Read about the 2024 President’s Innovation Award winner Christopher Douville, Assistant Professor of Oncology 

Stew Neifert, Director, Portfolio Operations