Startup companies can take advantage of private, state and federal funding. JHTV staff can assist in navigating these funding sources.

Angel and Venture Capital

Established startups with high growth potential typically seek angel or venture capital investment to fund product development, commercialization and growth. JHTV networks with regional, national and global investors, including angels and venture capitalists, to identify where investors’ focus overlaps with FastForward startups’ solutions. This includes several venture firms with a regular presence on the Johns Hopkins campus. In addition to facilitating investor meetings, the JHTV team guides startups through business plan development, pitching and other soft skills.

The Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII)

Entrepreneurs in Maryland can take advantage of several grant programs and tax credits, many offered out of the state's Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO). The Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) is especially designed for University Startups.

Federal Grants

The largest program available to incorporated startup companies in Maryland is the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. This highly competitive program encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) that has the potential for commercialization. FastForward provides educational resources, advice on non-dilutive funding sources available beyond SBIRs, and connections to external grant writing support.

Select Funding and Tax Credits for Startups

Name Type Link
Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit (BIITC) State of Maryland
Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit (CIITC) State of Maryland
Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) - Company Formation State of Maryland
Maryland Innovation Investment Tax Credit (IITC) State of Maryland
Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund State of Maryland
Maryland Venture Fund State of Maryland
Research & Development Tax Credit (R&D) State of Maryland
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Federal
TEDCO Builder Fund State of Maryland
TEDCO Seed Fund State of Maryland