Embarking on a new venture is exciting and those contributing should receive value for their efforts. But how do you allocate Founders Stock and establish a clear criterion for analysis? As a founder, how do you navigate these discussions?
Founders Stock may appear straight forward, but equitable does not always mean equal. Perspectives can differ as you grow and originators of a new company can be the most impacted.
In this session, we will touch on topics such as:
- What it means to issue Founders Stock and how it can be leveraged to attract talent
- What vesting schedules for stock look like as it relates to exercisability
- What the best-in-class allocation practices are for Founders Stock at the start of the venture and as you grow
- Authorizing versus issuing Founders Stock
- Leveraging Founders Stock to attract new investors while being mindful of future investors
- Keeping competitive in the financing marketplace
Brought to you by Cure in partnership with Paul Hastings, LLP
Nicholas Scerbo, ASA
Bay Valuation Advisors, LLC
Dan Stellenberg
Paul Hastings, LLP
Kiran Reddy
Managing Director