
SCALEUP Maryland™ is a four-month program, developed in partnership with TCV Partners and taught by seasoned entrepreneurs and business development professionals. The SCALEUP MD program promotes in-depth, individualized, and targeted strategies for growth to help C-Level leaders create an executable Strategic Growth Plans. Companies with revenues from $500K and up across multiple industries develop tools to reach targeted milestones. Each year, two diverse cohorts participate with 8 – 12 Maryland leaders for business collaboration, to make new connections and bond with other like minded professionals.

  • Application Deadline: Monday, August 26
  • Program Start Date: Tuesday, September 10
  • Program End Date: Tuesday, December 10

Who supports the program? 

The program is supported by funding from the Maryland Department of Commerce, T. Rowe Price Foundation, Baltimore County, and UMBC.

How does SCALEUP Maryland work?

The SCALEUP Maryland program team has developed a curriculum which goes into depth on these aspects, aligning the coursework with the real world experiences of the participating companies, and developing strategies for change and growth. Participants will receive a Certificate of completion upon submission of a confidential Strategic Plan.

How are companies selected?

Twice a year, Cohorts are populated: one for the Spring and one for the Fall. C-Level leaders interested in improving their business and participating in the program should complete the SCALEUP Maryland Application by clicking on the APPLY TODAY box above. Program leaders, TCV Growth Partners and bwtech@UMBC meet to vet and select participants for the next Cohort. Applicants must be a business residing in the state of Maryland to be eligible for the program.

What are the obligations of each participant?

Each participant commits to:

  • Attending and participating in the weekly sessions. The Cohort meets virtually, every Tuesday 3:55-5:30 pm via Webex.
  • Purchasing the SCALE book ($30.00)
  • Completing assignments prior to each weekly session
  • Actively engaging in the discussions
  • Completing and presenting a Strategic and Quarterly Action Plan