
Given the continued uncertainties around the global pandemic, this year’s ISCC is organized around the global conference’s hy-flex model. Teams have the option of attending either in-person in Geneva from 20-23 October, online from 24-25 October, or both. The Finalist Round will be online after the conference to allow teams adequate time to integrate conference learnings into their Final Presentations.

Before the conference, each student team will identify a significant contemporary social problem they would like to address by choosing one of six pre-determined U.N. Sustainable Development Goals as follows: SDG#1 No Poverty; SDG#2 Zero Hunger; SDG#3 Good Health and Well-Being; SDG#4 Quality Education; SDG#5 Gender Equality; SDG#13 Climate Action. Download the information packet for complete details.

The ILA International Student Case Competition provides undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to compete and showcase their knowledge about leadership. Teams compete in two divisions, undergraduate and graduate. Through a case executive summary, virtual poster, and a final presentation (finalists only), students demonstrate an understanding of their case’s underlying leadership issues while developing strategic recommendations for addressing key issues.

The top three teams in each division are recognized on the last day of the ILA conference. The team in each division that takes top honors receives complimentary 1-year memberships in the ILA and a $1,000 cash prize to divide among team members. The International Student Case Competition is organized by ILA’s Leadership Education Member Interest Group.
Students, the International Student Case Competition is an amazing opportunity to further develop your communication and leadership skills, expand your network of leadership colleagues, and make the most out of your ILA conference experience. Top Tip: Scroll through our gallery of past ISCC winners on the main ILA website, and click through to articles about their competition. You’ll learn about their cases and receive sage competition advice.