The CBID program has emerged as a leader in the translation of scientific and technical advances into clinical applications that improve patient care. Each year students showcase their biomedical design projects at an all-day celebration of biomedical innovation: BME Design Day.

BME Design Day has become a rite-of-passage for CBID student design teams and those studying biomedical engineering. The teams jump into high gear as they work around the clock in the last weeks of the semester to finish year-long projects that test their theoretical knowledge and practical skills to deliver a working prototype of a healthcare solution that meets a previously unmet biomedical need.

Design Day, hosted by the Department of Biomedical Engineering, is held in early May each year and is attended by faculty, sponsors, clinicians, peers, and the public. It provides the student design teams the opportunity to present their design project in an open forum where they can discuss with event attendees the need for their device, how it will improve healthcare, and demonstrate the device operation.

Event registration information coming soon.