Baltimore, MD

Women perform the best as leaders when they are doing something they enjoy. They, in other words, are in their element.

That’s why “In Your Element” is the theme of our 2023 Women Spanning the Globe conference, to be held June 6 in Baltimore and virtually. This event, in its 16th year, is always a sellout. Register for the one-day conference by April 6  and receive a 20% early-bird discount. Registration for men will open on May 8.

Being in your element often happens when there is a connection to the natural world. So, our conference will be built around four natural elements – fire, water, air, and earth. There will, for example, be discussions related to being powerful (fire), empathetic (water), intentional (air), and healthy (Earth). All the speakers – to be announced soon – will focus on the challenges and opportunities in the business world that are unique to women.

The annual Women Spanning the Globe conference hosted by WTCI is a chance to learn from and network with hundreds of emerging and existing women leaders from the Mid-Atlantic region.

The voices at the conference are diverse and expansive. Since the event’s inception in 2005, speaker lineups have included marketing and banking executives, engineers, technology and human resources experts, journalists, and humanitarians. And while these women are spread across industries, they often experience the same professional challenges.

Tickets In-person and Virtual: $25-$200

Colwell Center (Formerly the Columbus Center)
701 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD