Red Bull Basement empowers student innovators in all areas of study to kickstart their ideas using technology to drive positive change. The aim is to connect and inspire all students to constructively challenge the status quo and make positive impacts, now and for the future. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur or an inventor to join – everyone is invited to the brainstorm. The climax is a Global Final, where finalist teams bring their ideas to life for a pitch to global judges. Along the way are opportunities for networking, expert mentoring, and more.
Red Bull Basement was created specifically to empower the next generation of young innovators to develop bold new ideas and implement tech and other solutions. The goal is to make a positive impact on their campuses, within their communities, and beyond. As a university student, you’re welcome no matter what area you study – why wait until after graduation to work toward positive change when the world needs your ingenuity and big ideas now?
Every idea is welcome – you can offer a solution for a pressing, unmet need affecting life on campus or a greater challenge in the community. Technology may be the whole solution or one part of it. Topics are limited only by your imagination, but to get started, think of: Body & Mind, Career, Clean Water, Climate Action, Education, Empowerment, Energy, Smart Cities
Students (18 or over) who are able to speak English and reside in any of the 44 participating countries may apply in teams of one or two students. Within these criteria, students in every field of study are encouraged to submit an idea that they think will make a meaningful impact. Students outside these criteria are welcome to participate by supporting their favorite idea with a shout-out in the Application phase.